Tips On Saving Your Battery

Battery life had became a main thing to look out while buying gadgets.. coz the power of the device doesn”t matter here. It have to run with that power for a reasonable time. Yea, here it”s about saving your battery life and having extra fun with your gadget.

  1. First of all, turn of Wi-fi, Bluetooth, Data, NFC or anything that are not in use.
  2. Try to use your phone on 2G networks as much as possible. Switch to 3G only when absolutely needed.
  3. Have black and dark backgrounds everywhere for saving power, also set brightness below 50% and below 30% if IPS LCDs.
  4. Turn on devices” power saver mode if available. It automatically optimizes your device when battery level goes below certain point.
  5. Unnecessary touches, usage of camera pointlessly, always having gyro sensors on may affect battery life.
  6. Using battery saver application for your smartphone can also be effective.
  7. While purchasing a new device, always look for one with high capacity battery.
  8. Having a secondary battery on hand or bagging up a portable power bank could help you while on long travels.
  9. Always be updated. Update every app and also your phone software if possible. Having latest OS version is also a good step.
  10. If you are experiencing very low or terrible battery backup, contact customer support or replace your battery.

That”s all I have on my mind right now.. will post more if I get on my mind. Hope this helps all smartphone/tablet users.

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About Author
Priya is Tech blogger. She contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechMania.
