5 Most Incredible Real Estate Apps and Tech Tools of 2015

Housing is one human need which is super essential and absolutely unavoidable. We all need houses. And people who don’t have a house to live in, then they are definitely very suffering. As humans, we all aim at a world where everyone would get equal facilities and every individual at least has the basic amenities one needs.

Okay, keeping that aside, let us come to the reason why we have written this article. What we mean to say is that houses are something that people need and have to manage to find one for themselves. Now, owning a house is not a very easy task.

Especially living in a country like India, we all know how buying a property is not a cake walk as property rates are more or less high everywhere in our country. Not everyone can afford to buy a house for themselves, or even if one can buy a house, still buying a property involves a lot of precautions.


Housing needs are of various types. Some need to buy a house, some need to find a house on rent if they can’t buy it. There are also other ways of being involved in the real estate business. Some people are involved into the business as estate agents and brokers who have a business of fixing deals for people. While some are builders whose business is to build the houses. Whatever it may be, don’t you feel that there should be one dedicated and all in one platform for all these people to meet.

And the online world, has indeed helped people tremendously in achieving this goal.

If one wants rental apartments in Bangalore or any other city in the country, they can easily browse through the various data available on the net and get what they want.

But online browsing can sometimes lead to fake or misleading information because you have no control towards the information you get. But you can control it by using certain ways.

We have certain websites and apps that are authentic and are dedicated for housing needs and which can be trusted.

So for a better experience for your housing needs, we list down to you 5 of the top most real estate apps that can help you with your realty needs,

Here you go,

  • Housing.com- this website that now has its own personal app is a one stop solution to all your housing needs and you can access it completely free of cost.
  • 99 acres- this is another website that has its own personalized app. But this app would be a lot more beneficial for people in search of great plots. You can find some really nice ones there.
  • Magic bricks- this apps is your go to when you are in need of housing. Say what your requirement is and you have it right before you in the form of a simple, easy to use app.
  • Common floor- this is yet another regular real estate app for you that will let you know about all the available property in whichever area you want.
  • Nest away- this is rather a different kind of app which finds for you fully furnished equipped apartments ready to use in times of your urgency. Isn’t it amazing?

So make use of these apps and make your housing experience a lot smoother and a lot easier.


About Author
Priya is Tech blogger. She contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechMania.
